Bach Flowers for Plants
May 10, 2024
Connect with your Values
July 3, 2024Bach Flowers and Financial Resilience
“Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted” Albert Einstein
Enhance your financial resilience with Bach Flower Remedies. Learn how these natural remedies can provide support and balance.
Financial resilience is the ability to withstand and recover from financial setbacks, unexpected expenses, economic hardship or other financial challenges without experiencing long-term negative effects.
A sense of financial wellbeing allows us to feel secure, confident and in control of our finances.
Our relationship with money is often complex and personal and is likely rooted in our upbringing and early conditioning and more general societal influences encountered in our adult lives.
Some of the symptoms of money worries include anxiety and depression and this may become a vicious circle reducing our motivation to address money issues. Making financial decisions may then feel overwhelming, hampering our ability to budget effectively and plan for the future.
Take a moment to consider your own relationship with money and get curious about why this is so. Are you someone who spends too much on others and too little on yourself? What does this say about your sense of self-worth? Are your spending habits driven by fear or desire, are they influenced by past experiences and attachments? Do you have clarity around your spending, saving and investing preferences? Do you adopt frugal habits for fear of being wasteful?

Bach Flower - Mimulus, for courage
In my work with clients a scarcity mindset is a common theme and there is often a fear of abundance.
The reasons for this are manyfold and may include experiencing poverty and financial hardship, especially during childhood; redundancy, divorce and being left out of an expected inheritance.
Feelings of anger, frustration, guilt and fear are common, and the remedies offer us an opportunity to reassess our limiting beliefs and recalibrate.
Our feelings around worthiness may lead to us feeling we don’t deserve to be wealthy. We may associate wealthy people with displaying negative characteristics such as greed or bad behaviour.

Bach Flower - Cerato for self-doubt
Fear of losing money may lead to resistance towards acquiring wealth in the first place. For some people it is a lack of knowledge and understanding about money that erodes their financial confidence. They may have made poor decisions in the past and are fearful of making the same mistakes.
Lack of knowledge and understanding can lead to financial dependency whereby we become reliant on others to make decisions for us. This can be disempowering and make us vulnerable.
If you have not learned from poor financial decisions made in the past then Chestnut Bud may offer a wiser perspective. To address a lack of confidence or poor self-worth, Larch brings determination, dissolves self-limiting concepts and allows the blossoming of one’s true potential. Cerato, for self-doubt, allows you to hear your inner voice and act on its wisdom. For the fear of poverty and financial loss Mimulus offers courage and a way back to your true nature.
As always a bespoke mix of remedies to address your particular limiting beliefs is recommended, and you might use the earlier questions as prompts to stimulate your curiosity and how to develop a healthier relationship with money.
The gentle approach offered by the Bach Flower Remedies can help us address our limiting beliefs, to challenge their validity and to replace them with more empowering beliefs that allow us to make financial decisions aligned with our true self.
Focusing on the positive aspects of your life and recognising and appreciating what you have, rather than dwelling on what you lack, promotes a shift from scarcity to abundance.
As Dr Bach says, “Happiness and contentment lie in the hands of those who are complete and whole within themselves.” Cultivate a strong sense of self-worth, self-love and self-awareness. When we find wholeness within ourselves, we are no longer reliant on external validation or circumstances to define our happiness.
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Further Information
Can be found on our website here - Bach Flower Remedies and at
The Bach Centre which explains the simplicity of the Bach System