This time between Imbolc and the Spring Equinox equates to the Air element – a time for new beginnings.
Air is the energy that sets things in motion, and we become more aware of how our words, thoughts and emotional responses create subtle changes in vibrations, within ourselves and in our wider relationship with the earth and each other.
Traditionally we think of the element of air as representing the mind, communication and the power of our words to inspire.
As I write this the moon is about to become new in Pisces, a time to reset and pay attention to our intuition and the deepest emotions that surface at this time.
The new moon in Pisces asks us to trust in life and to ask for help and guidance if we are feeling stuck or aware of repeating patterns that leave us frustrated and insecure.
The Bach flower Chestnut Bud may be helpful at this time too, allowing us to reflect and “to take full advantage of our daily experiences, and to see ourselves and our mistakes as others do”.
For me this season can be challenging, with its half-term review of goals set at the start of the year and the need to be honest with how committed I am still to achieving them.
My journal prompts ask me to notice how my thoughts became actions and how far I have nurtured what has manifest in my life.
The element of air corresponds to the Heart chakra – our spiritual fire – and it has an energetic quality which creates connection.
As it is our breath which moves energy it makes sense at this time to focus on our breathing.
When we are stressed we cease to breathe correctly and this restricts the flow of oxygen and life force in the body creating stagnation of energy.
The practice of deep diaphragmatic breathing grants us increased mental clarity and energy. Prolonged deep breathing may facilitate deep connection to the source of our inner wisdom too.
I invite you right now to pause for a few moments and become aware of your breath.
Close your eyes, letting go of everything that has brought you to this point, and allow your body to drop down into being at ease.
Soften your eyes and take two or three slow, soft, gentle breaths deep into your belly, visualising it energising every cell in your body. Notice how you feel.
Consciously breathe in what you wish to energise in yourself and your life, breathing out all that is blocking you.
Give thanks to the air that nourishes you and gives you life.
“As you breathe in, cherish yourself. As you breathe out, cherish all beings” Dalai Lama
Another way we create connection to the element of air is to chime a Tibetan bowl or Tingsha bell or even use your own voice to clear stagnant energy in your home or workplace.
Welcome positive healing energy for the greatest good of all, visualising peace and harmony.
In the days that follow notice the subtle changes in your energy field, in your environment and in your relationships with others.