“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars” Kahlil Gibran
As we make our way through Stress Awareness Month I have been reflecting on the causes of stress and their impact on our emotional health and wellbeing.
Resilience is our capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties.
It involves our ability to recognise our own emotions and those of others.
It is about self-awareness, noticing when we may need support to regain our composure and having strategies to help us cope.
Each Bach Flower Remedy has a unique energy frequency resonating with the soul quality concerned. When we are stressed, or feel out of sorts, the remedies act as a catalyst bringing us back into harmony, allowing our souls to sing.
As Dr Bach reminds us “Health depends on being in harmony with our souls” so addressing our emotions with the remedies of nature allows us to regain our composure and connection to our inner wisdom and insight.
When we meet and care for ourselves where we are right now we have an opportunity to regain our strength and power, unhindered by external circumstances or other people.
When we are stressed it is important to pay attention to our thoughts, words and actions in the world.
What are they telling us about the nature of our reality?
How flexible and adaptable are we when we face challenges?
How willing are we to overcome difficulties rather than avoid problems?
Are we willing to learn from our mistakes or accept that change is part of life?
Can we take decisive action when we need to and recover our optimism when we face setbacks?
When rigid thinking gets in the way and we notice physical stress too, the remedy Rock Water allows flexibility and fluidity. When we repeat the same mistakes over and over again, Chestnut Bud grants us time to observe our experiences and learn from them.
Indecision makes us restless as we alternate between extreme activity and complete apathy. The remedy Scleranthus allows us to make quick decisions and remain calm, balanced and determined in the process.
If denial of stressful events means we conceal our mental torture behind a mask of cheerfulness then Agrimony will allow us to see our problems in the right light and offers the quality of discernment and trust in our inner witness.
When we doubt our own intuition and seek the advice of others, Cerato brings inner certainty and acceptance of our own judgements.
The remedy Oak offers the potential of strength and endurance. We might need this remedy when we overwork, obstinately struggling on despite our tiredness, to the point of collapse. Oak reminds us to attend to our own wellbeing and resilience, putting our sense of duty in its rightful place.
These are just a few of the 38 remedies that may help us become resilient. Feeling able to cope builds confidence and self-worth and helps us develop a positive outlook. As we establish a strong connection to self, we may become a fountain of love and support for others too.
As Nelson Mandela said, “Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again”.
A resilient person shows up with equanimity regardless of what is going on in life – I hope you find the Bach Flower Remedies offer a pathway to greater peace and understanding.