
April 3, 2024

Asking for Help

"You have within you all wisdom, all power, all strength, all understanding" Eileen Caddy
April 22, 2023

Resilience and the Bach Flower Remedies

"Health depends on being in harmony with our souls"
November 16, 2022

Grounding – The Foundation of Connection

The more time you spend with nature, the deeper your understanding of life will be.
November 9, 2022

The Art of Reflective Writing

The art of reflective writing is a very practical way in which we come to understand ourselves better. It brings us into the present moment where we set our intention to explore our unique connection with ourselves and reflect on our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
October 20, 2022

The Power of Presence

I recently attended a talk on the subject of Facing Loss. This is a subject I have experience of both personally and professionally and I acknowledge the enormous impact loss of our loved ones may have on our current and future lives.
October 15, 2022

The Bach Philosophy on Healing

Unity between the Soul, mind and physical body.