"I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding" John O'Donoghue
Many sensitive people, carers and those who work therapeutically with clients often feel drained. Everything in this world can be viewed in terms of energy. We all affect each other, and we are each affected by our environment, and it is of vital importance to have a strong energy field in order to be able to stay balanced and healthy and not take on board anything untoward. In doing so you are not creating a barrier between yourself and others. You can still radiate positivity to others and receive the same. You are only preventing unnecessary and harmful negativity from outside influences or thought patterns reaching you.
Protection is important to help set firm boundaries between your own energy field and that of others, enabling you to recognise your own as well as others’ needs. Indications that your energy field is fragile or unprotected include:
The last few years have been challenging for many people and the impact of the pandemic, societal and economic changes inevitably affect our ability to achieve and maintain optimum health and wellbeing. Whenever we are in a state of change our auric field is fragile. With old patterns being released and new ones coming in, there is always a transition period where things are a little uncertain. These are times when it is a good idea to ensure our energy field is as clear and strong as possible.
For me being in a crowd – such as at a holistic event or fair or when delivering a presentation or workshop to a large number of people - can be overwhelming to my nervous system.
Walnut photo courtesy of The Bach Centre
At these times I find the Bach flower remedy Walnut to be helpful. It helps protect my energy field from unwanted outside influences and when I have become over-sensitive to my immediate environment it brings a sense of healthy detachment, constancy, and determination.
How To Create a Strong Energy Field
I invite you now to take a few moments to sit quietly, close your eyes, ground and centre and follow this simple visualisation to place a boundary around your personal energy field and make it more solid and less permeable.
Imagine that you are sitting in an oval shape of light, the top part of which goes over your head and the bottom part is also beneath the ground. The colour of this egg should be in a high vibration colour such as gold / silver / white / purple / turquoise / deep blue. Visualise the colour surrounding you and strengthening your eggshell – this helps create a healthy boundary. Fill your personal energy field with positive, healing energies and ask that only the purest of energies may enter and leave your space. For extra protection you may visualize a golden cloak of light covering your egg.
You might like to hold a crystal known for its protective qualities while undertaking this visualisation having first cleansed, dedicated for the highest good of all concerned and tuned it to protect your energy field. Good examples of high vibration crystals suitable for this purpose include Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite and Turquoise.
Maintaining health and resilience is important as it allows me to undertake the work I do, hearing difficult personal stories and being able to offer support. An embodied sense of optimum health allows me to be aware when my boundaries are weakened and to take steps to rectify them.
A strong energy field will enable you to live the life you want to live unencumbered by unhelpful outside influences. Alongside being well grounded, taking regular exercise, eating a sensible diet, and taking enough rest and relaxation it is a valuable tool in your self-care toolkit.