Butterfly Inspiration
August 26, 2022
The Bach Philosophy on Healing
October 15, 2022Letting Go
"Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on."
This quote by Eckhart Tolle seems most apposite at the start of a new year. Personally, I have a need to declutter most years at this time and this year my readiness to let go has manifest as a health crisis which has made me slow down and take stock. I have found myself sorting through mementoes, letters and photos reminding me of past times and people that I still have attachments to and need to heal from.
By throwing away things (or burning, burying or shredding them – whatever works for you) that tie us to the past we gain knowledge and insight about our deepest needs and feelings which leads to greater control over our lives. The process can be extremely cathartic.
As we let go we move into a greater level of understanding. Since everything in life is made up of energy then if we hold on to anything that no longer serves us it can create energy blocks that may lead to dis-ease. This may manifest in several areas including relationship difficulties, challenges at work or with our home situation, our health or lifestyle.
As a Subtle Energy Medicine Practitioner and Teacher, I have many tools and techniques to assist with the process of letting go. The aim is to release stuck or outworn patterns by clearing blocked feelings or thought patterns that prevent us moving forward in the present. By addressing these blockages, healing can help you work through the difficult emotions that may come up in the process of letting go.
Crystals are effective healing tools when introduced to the energy field and they may also be used in meditation and some self-healing techniques:
- Smokey Quartz helps to release blocked, stagnant energy, and assists in letting go of patterns which hold you back and prevent you from moving forward. It clears negativity and dispels fear.
- Snowy Quartz clears persistent blockages and purifies the energy field.
- Citrine is helpful for releasing self-limiting beliefs, it helps us move forward with optimism and its golden ray is indicative of new beginnings.
- Aquamarine has an uplifting and refreshing quality and helps us let go of fear and unhelpful emotional patterns.
- Blue Lace Agate helps us connect with the angelic realm, aids acceptance and letting go of the past. Its peaceful quality brings peace of mind.

One technique I use in my healing practice is known as the De-Cording Technique and this is useful where there are old patterns we wish to release, and we are resistant to letting go. They may be to do with issues of dependency and attachment – grief, loss, relationship issues, shock or trauma. It is a positive technique and has the potential to release and clear negative energy, transmuting lower vibrations, but it will not interfere with our life lessons.
At a soul level we are here to grow and develop during this incarnation and this will involve discovering our authentic self and living the life we are meant to. In releasing all those things which no longer serve us (relationship patterns, self-limiting beliefs and thought patterns, deep set fears) we make space for new people and opportunities to come into our life. It is beneficial to focus on the present moment and accept the rhythm of life – as I look out my window now in winter I notice the bare branches of the trees which are indicative of letting go, ahead of the new life and abundance that spring brings forth.
Cultivate awareness in all moments – awareness of energy, of nature, of your thoughts and feelings and experiences. Share your ideas and dreams for the future with trusted friends and family and visualise a positive outcome to what you aspire to and want to achieve. As Gill Edwards says in her inspiring book Living Magically “there are no limitations other than those we choose to believe in.”
Whenever we are in a state of change our auric field is fragile. With old patterns being released and new ones coming in, there is always a transition period when things are a little uncertain. It can take great courage and trust to live this life: honour yourself, take care of your own needs ensuring your energy field is as clear and strong as possible, be kind to yourself, on letting go give yourself time to integrate what you have learned, do it gently and give thanks to those situations and people who have brought you to where you are today.
I wish you much Light and every blessing for the year ahead.